Insurer Viewer Portal

About this Portal


The drying of the materials in your home after a flood or water leak is now a measured and scientific process.

This web site enables you to manage the system that is monitoring and controlling the drying. The equipment will create noise as it needs to stir the air and remove humidity and so should have been set to to minimse your inconvenience.

The system aims to dry your home as fast as possible without damaging the materials that have been subject to water ingress.
We use state of the art sensors and machine learning to get the best out of the system, however it still needs your help. The humidity in your home increases when you take baths, run showers, or dry clothing, so try to avoid leaving doors open in the areas being dried.


Set the drying equipment timers to minimise noise, at for example night, when you are at home.

Avoid drying clothing in the area near the equipment.

Do not leave windows or doors open in the area being dried.